Xegony Bard

Below you will find my collection of guides. Many of these I created, others have been posted with permission from their authors. All guides are viewable on the website as a html page and offered as a downloadable file.




Downloadable File

Bard Guide

My overall bard guide. Most of the information here is found within the pages of this site.  This file is not available in HTML as the information is in the main tabs of this site.

Jarroll Lonelysong

Bard Guide


My guide to leading a successful Vox Raid

Jarroll Lonelysong


Baking Guide

My guide to getting a 200 baking skill with as little pain as possible.

Jarroll Lonelysong


Song Usage

A requested guide that I wrote to help bards learn to choose specific songs at certain levels.

Jarroll Lonelysong

Song Usage

Skyshrine Lute

Skyshrine Lute Quest

Windcaller Puretone

SS Lute

Skyshrine Drum

Skyshrine Drum Quest

Windcaller Puretone

SS Drum

Skyshrine Horn

Skyshrine Horn Quest

Windcaller Puretone

SS Horn

Freeport Bard Newbie Armor Quests

All the items and locations for the Freeport bard newbie armor quests.


FP Newbie Armor

Bard Epic Guide

My epic guide

Jarroll Lonelysong


Resists for Dummies

Basic Resist Gear information

Jarroll Lonelysong


Since I can’t always get replies from some people who write useful guide nor can I always convert every guide into html to host here, below, you will find links to several guides that I have found useful as well as some links to sites that host some guides.



EQ Diva’s Guide Page

Guides written by bards. Most of the guides here are bard specific, but there are some that have broad appeal.

New Plane of Hate

Information on the deneziens of the Revamp’ed Plane of Hate and quest details for the Marsinger’s Quests.

Tribute Overview

All the information you need to get started with using the Tribute Masters features from the Gates of Discord expansion.



Below are other EQ related files that aren’t Guides



In-game Maps

Here are the in game maps I am currently using.  I downloaded them from one of the map sites in my links section.

Reed’s Bardsong Spreadsheet

The current version is 4.24 which was released 06/28/2004. Any bard out there should have this. It provides song details for specific level, AA, and instruments.

Raid Organizer Spreadsheet

Excel file I used for my Vox/Naggy days. It has tabs for Vox, Naggy, and General use raids.

Jewlery Chart

Arusab’s Spreadsheet showing stats by gem and metal

Fletching Spreadsheet

File I picked up a long time ago from somewhere that shows fletching trivials, prices, and cheapest progression.

Jarroll’s UI Files

Just the latest copy of the User Interface I currently use.  Just unzip the folder to your UIfiles folder in your EQ directory.

Story Window Mod

This is my current story window with a variety of updates. Includes shawl and coldain quests, a version of lucy’s spell database, poison/baking/pottery/alchemy recipies (maybe smithing, I forget), several PoP progressions lists and help, LDoN charm upgrade ‘hail’ people by zone/loc, mob slowability list by zone, and other info.  Just unzip the entire file to your story window folder in your EQ directory.

[Home] [Twisting] [Hotkeys] [Kiting] [Files & Guides] [Voxburger] [Baking] [Song Usage] [SS Lute] [SS Drum] [SS Horn] [FP Armor] [Bard Epic] [Resists] [Links] [State of EQ] [Vacation Pics]