Xegony Bard

What would any website be without a page of links to other places? Below you will find my list of resources by category.  If you have a site you think should be added, find any broken links, or have any comments, please email me. Please do not send me links for sites owned by Yantis, IGE, etc. I do not support their business, even if I do respect their capitalistic abilities.

Everquest (non-class)



Sony’s Official Site


One stop shop for all things EQ. Mobs, quests, equipment, & spells can all be found here. Lucy’s Database is now part of Allakhazam’s Site. I strongly recommend their premium service as it is cheap and allows easier site navigation.

EQ Traders

If you need info on any tradeskill or tradeskill-like skill (i.e. fishing, tinkering, alchemy, etc) this is your place.

Casters’ Realm

Lots of spell information here.  Most useful to see lists of spells by class by level. Be wary of location and specific information here since it has been found to be inaccurate in many places.

EQ Atlas

My personal favorite site for maps not related to the in-game mapping system.  They do have in-game maps as well.

EQ Toolbox

Download maps and other items relating to the in-game mapping system.

LDoN Map Database

Additional maps specific to the LDoN expansion.

LDoN Merchant Lists

Web-based, searchable database of all items from the LDoN merchants.

EQ Companion

This is the log parser I use and love. It has timers, buff logs, skill sets, chat logging, and buy/sell logs in addition to fight parsing.


Create an offline profile showing all your character’s equipment, skills, AA, etc.

EQ Interface

If you have questions about the user interface or want to download new components, this is your place.

WTF Comics

Everquest-parody comic.  Follow the adventures of Anna and company.

GU Comics

Long standing comic that relates to Everquest as well as all the other MMORPG’s out there.

The Commune

My guild website.

Everquest Class Sites


EQ Diva

The best bard site out there.  Message boards are friendly to all. This board still holds true to the spirit that is the bard community.

The Concert Hall

This site isn’t maintained much anymore, but the message boards are very active. These boards cater more to the high-end and raiding bards. As of late, there is nothing here for any bard unless you are a high-end raider.

The Beastlord’s Den

New home of the beastlords since Yantis bought their main site.  The site is run by the moderators of the first beastlord site.

EQ Berserker

Site of the newest EQ class.

Everquest Clerics

Cleric site and message boards.

Norrath Druids

New home of the druids since Yantis bought their main site.

The Runes

Enchanter site and message boards.

The Mage Compendium

Magician site and message boards.

Monkly Business

No Link provided since Yantis took over the site.  Sorry Monks.

Necormancer’s Realm

Necromancer site and message boards.

Paladins of Norrath

Paladin message boards.

EQ Knights

Paladin site and message boards. I included this one since there is a corresponding site as well. Previously I had only used Paladins of Norrath boards.

The Ranger’s Glade

Ranger site and message boards.


Rogue site and message boards.


Shadowknight site and message boards.

The Shaman’s Crucible

Affliated with IGE, sorry shamans. Let me know where the non-IGE/Yantis people go and I’ll put a link to that site.

The Steel Warrior

Warrior site and message boards.

Graffe’s Wizard Compilation

Wizard site and message boards.

Other non-EQ Links


Home Star Runner

Hillarious site. My favorite is Strongbad’s Email.

Kill Frog

Another funny site with lots of self-made cartoons.  The ultimate survivor series he did was great.

Joe Cartoon

Another humor site.  This is the guy that did “Frog in a Blender” and “Gerbil in a Microwave”.

Jennifer Government

Internet-based game where you create your own nation.  Make decisions that effect your civil rights, person freedoms, & economy. Join the UN and debate issues with other nations.  Look me up under the nation of Clan Jarroll.

Adventure Quest

Adventure Quest is a free-form RPG game where you build your character over time.  Cheesy in some points, but entertaining at least. Its good to do on a 2nd PC while in the “hurry up and wait” that is raiding in EQ.

Progress Quest

A silly parody on EQ and the time sinks it causes. This is a tiny application that runs in the background and takes all the frustration out of timesinks.  Look at my character here.  I am in the oldest realm and in the top 1%.


Client that processes data for a Seti research project.


Client that processes data for a medical research project.

DR Horton Homes

Main site of the company I work for. I’m in the Austin division (Milburn Homes).  We closed over 2,200 homes in 2003.

EZ Boards

Main message board site. Search for your hobby and join a community. 

Spybot Search & Destroy

Spyware and Adware remover.  This is the main one I use.

Lavasoft Ad-aware

Another excellent Spyware and Adware remover.  I use this one in addition to Spybot Search & Destroy.

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