Xegony Bard

Lady VoxGreetings and Salutations knowledge seeker. I am Jarroll, Bard of Xegony.  The bard is a great class, yet our population remains small compared to other classes.  We amaze the masses with our daring (insane) actions, yet our numbers remain small. The bard takes dedication and patience to play.  We are constantly in motion with little time for rest. The bard will be the most rewarding or the most frustrating character you ever play. The difference between a good bard and a bad bard are great. A good bard is one of the greatest assets a group, raid, or guild could want; a bad bard is a danger to all around.

To the left is a picture of Lady Vox.  Lady Vox was the bane of my life while I pursued my epic quest. Eventually, I began to lead my own attempts on the foul beast instead of following others to their doom. It was during these Voxburger raids that I gained my reputation and began this site.  While Lady Vox is not the monstrosity that she once was, she was one of the terror’s of Norath in her day.


First Crack at the 10th Coldain Ring War

A grand surprise occurred last night. The AND alliance (A New Dawn for those that don’t know) started its normal Thursday night raid routine with the PoStorms mini’s for BoT quest pieces. Once we finished with those (routine now, scarey) people were amiable to trying the 10th Ring war. This event is a huge deal that spans over a year and a half of work for me (got stalled with bugs on 9th ring for some time).

Bugs! Bugs! Freaking Bugs! was the order of the night. Triggering, start, and ending were all results of bugs. After checking my logs to triple check if I missed anything. My error I thought I had made turns out that I didn't. The event just was bugged.

For those that don't know what SHOULD have happened:

1) turn in declaration of war and 9th ring (receive ring back)
2) mobs gather in a circle to discuss plan
3) 10 minutes of text between the dwarves
4) turn in 9th ring again and receive ring and orders
5) repeat orders to dwarf (you use /say to repeat the commands on the scroll)
6) turn in scroll to scout and scout becomes pet (speak orders to scout will trigger the comand to activate)

Here is where stuff was broke:
7) Dwarve heros despawn and respawn with regular dwarves in 6 camps
8) Shouting match between lead dwarf and lead giant
9) Wave 1 begins

Wave 1 never happened. This is why it took a bit over half an hour before anything started. I had seen on a message board where this had happened to someone before, but on the 2nd major wave set.

During this time when wave 1 should have been happening, I logged into the chat server since there was no gm on Xegony. The GM there told me to check a fan site for info on the event. After I repeated that I triggered the event properly and had triple checked stuff and redid the phrases and that it was BUGGED, he simple repeated the same line about check a fan site. This was really inappropriate, but that is another issue.

Anyhow, the 2nd Major wave started to spawn and we got to work killing giants. Things went well through the 2nd Wave waves (6 mini waves per wave on Waves 1 & 2). No one died until the 2nd mini-wave of the 3rd Wave. The 2nd mini-wave of the 3rd Major wave gave us a little bit of issues, but we overcame it. We finished the 3rd mini-wave of wave 3 easily. There are only 5 mini-waves in Wave 3, so we were getting close. We were all at the rally point at the huts medding after mini-wave 3. About the time the 4th mini-wave should have popped the giants popped outside of Kael as if we lost the war instead of another wave. No giant in the third wave even got within site of the huts and there was nothing on track at all (i.e. no giant under the world did this). We can only assume this is yet another bug in a buggy run of this event. The dwarf that has to die in order to lose was still alive and well, although not where he should have been.

There are multiple /petitions away on this and we shall have to see if we get anything other than "sorry, tough shit, try again" from CS.

Even though the event was bugged beyond reason (several expansion old events shouldn't be this buggy) I had an absolute blast once we got started. There are a couple of things I'd try different next time,