Xegony Bard

Charm Kiting

Minimum Level: 27

Where: Anywhere, preferably low wanderers so less chance of adds

Effectiveness: Good.  This form of kiting is useful as crowd control in a group setting and is a step in learning how to swarm kite.

Needed songs memorized:  Solon's Song of the Sirens (27charm) or Solon's Bewitching Bravura (39 charm) or Call of the Banshee (64 charm), Selo’s Accelerando (run speed), and Shauri's Sonorous Clouding (Invisibility)

Recommend  additional Songs: Hymn of Restoration (heal) and Elemental Rhythms (resists)

Mob Types: Any charmable mobs within level range of charm song being used

View:  I typically use my normal first person view.

Charm kiting is one of ways people will look at you like you’ve completely lost your mind. I learned how to do this on Hill Giants in Rathe Mountains (you learn quickly here or you die a great deal----the sink or swim kindof approach). Number one rule of charm kiting...KEEP SELO’S UP AT ALL TIMES!! In case you missed the point there, you should keep selo’s speed song up at all times (especially if you are charm kiting with hill giants)! Also, make a hotkey for /pet attack. The 27th level charm song has a max duration of 18 seconds, so you don’t want to waste any time typing pet commands in. Charm Critter A (aka Joe) and command him to attack Critter B (aka Bob). Once you send Joe to snack on Bob, GET SELO’S UP and stand at some distance away. Re-target Joe by hitting the F1 key twice. Once charm breaks re-charm Joe (you should already be targeted on him) and use that snazzy /pet attack hotkey to resend Joe after Bob. Both critters are beating on each other. If it looks like Joe is going to get killed by Bob instead of the other way around, charm Bob and have him kill Joe. Once Joe or Bob dies you can do one of two things. Go charm a fresh critter and send it after the already beat up Joe or Bob, or you can fear kite/finish off the remaining survivor. When charm kiting you should use charisma gear to raise your charisma as high as possible as it will help with charming. If you are being resisted too much try lower level creatures. KEEP SELO’S UP AT ALL TIMES. When in Rathe Mountains and groups of level 28-32s are being killed, it is funny to watch the 28 bard constantly fighting two hill giants at a time solo.  If you run into the problem that the mob your pet is fighting is going to kill your pet before charm wears off, you can use invisiblity to break charm early. This is more of an issue with the 39 and 64 charm since they last much longer than the 27 charm.

Differences in the different charms:

The level 27 charm requires no mana and lasts for the normal 3 ticks.  This means you can constantly charm kite without any worries. You have to constantly reapply charm though, which gets tiresome. The level 39 and 64 charms both require mana to use, but they last for up to 1 minute. This means you do not have to reapply charm as often and need to use invisibility to break charm at times. Bard mana regen sucks. Even at level 65 with my current equipment and AA I only regen 4-5 mana per tick. This allows me to be able to use charm for ages, but not indefinitely. In the higher levels, charm isn’t used as much.  Mana is mostly reserved for the use of the Fading Memories AA, which is basically bard feign death.

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