Xegony Bard

Draconic Fellowship Drum


Ok I now have the drum... Although I was a little dissapointed in it. It didn't perform as good as my selo.
Just a smidge less. In fact it matched Stat for stat with a Walrus Drum (2.3ratio). So unless you really want the stats of this drum, I would say just pay the 400pp or so for the Walrus Skin Drum.

Although on a good note, I now have all 3 instruments. Heh a collectors set.

Draconic Fellowship Drum
Size: Medium
Weight 3.0
+5 int +5 dex +10 cha

Ok, Lets get down to the nitty gritty of this one.

Dropped items needed:

1) Kromrif Bones (Kael - any Giant - Rare drop any Giant)
2) Brontotherium hide (WW- Brontotherium - Brown Rhinos)
3) Oily Goo Secretion (WL - Tar Goo - Black looking puddle)

Store bought items needed:

1) Flask of water (any food/water vendor)
2) Melted Glacier Whiskey (Thurg - Celtir Gronbak (119, 405))

Trade skills needed:

1) Brewing
2) Tailoring

Well this one wasn't too bad, I was able to solo most of the giants on the way up or day Kael, except around the bank area. I started in on the EW side and killed everything down until I found a place I enjoyed and settled in on it. The area I camped was Inbetween the trainer and Iceshard Keep. I killed all but one on the trainer side and stoped up near doors for the Iceshard side. Sheesh they are green and
at most Light blue to me. ^_^

After about an hour of killing a few people wanted to join for faction so it went a lot smoother and faster. No more down time with doing double regens. Maybe I was unlucky but it took me about 3 hours to get the bones to drop. It was just off a normal Giant, not a named. I think in the neiborhood of like 60 to 80 Giants fell to me and my goup. My faction didn't move too much. Heh

I went back the next day and went from EW side on down to the WL side. I wanted to see if I could get a quicker drop. One dropped off of a Bezerker that was down there. About 30 giants that one took and only about 45 mins of time. I was in a group again. So I would say just find a cosey place to camp and wait.

The Bronto Hide wasn't too bad. I went into WW and 2 Brontotherium were up, but didn't drop anything. I killed 5 Brontos, 7 wolves, 3 Mastadons. I came out with 1 Brontotherium Hide. Remeber all the animals are on the same cycle. So some times you have to kill the other animals to get the mobs you want.

Brewing combine:

1) Oily Goo Secretion
2) Water Flask
3) Melted Glacier Whiskey

This will produce the Glacier Oil Tannin needed for the next part. You can use a tailoring kit or a loom for the next part.

Tailoring combine:

1) Glacier Oil Tannin
2) Brontotherium Hide

This will produce a "Cured Hide".

Run back over to Skyshrine to the quest NPC.

The Cured Hide is tradeable however the Kromrif Bones are no drop.

Turn in items:

1) Cured Hide
2) Kromrif Bones (no drop)

Ok, I hope this helps. Phew, that was a pretty good quest series. I am still loving that new lute, heh.
I hope they come out with some quest versions of instruments for other slots like Ammo slot or earring slot. Maybe even a singing bonus one that works when worn.  I wont ever see the inside of VT so it would be nice if some of that stuff could be quested.

Windcaller Puretone (60th Bard)

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