Xegony Bard

Charm Kiting Page with the level 27 charm

The charm song is one of the songs that requires and instrument in order to work. Hence, Hotkey6, 7,8,9, & 10 are for the instrument change. Hotkeys 7 & 9 are primary and off hand, hotkeys 8 & 10 are my wind instrument and a empty inventory slot. This allows to change to and from your wind instrument as needed. In hotkey 6 I usually keep my drum in case I need to make a quick getaway. Hotkey 1,2, &3 are for songs. Here I keep the speed song in hotkey 1, charm song in hotkey 2, and healing song in hotkey 3. Hotkey 4 is my /pet attack command. Setting up the /pet attack hotkey is necessary so you do not waste any time of our short duration charm. The picture on the right shows my setup with the flute equiped as needed to use the charm song. The picture on the right shows how you can quickly switch back to weapons if needed (see above description on changing from instruments to weapons).



Charm Kiting with level 39 or 64 charm

Same as above except you do not need the instrument hotkeys. I sometimes change songs depending on what I’m charm kiting. I sometimes use snare/slow, fear, charm as hotkeys 1,2, & 3 respectively.

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