Xegony Bard

Traveling Page

I have a page set up for when I’m on the move. Hotkey 1 is the Speed song, hotkey 2 is for a healing song of some sorts. Hotkey 3 is possibly my corpse locating song or a vision song (I’m human so I’m blind as a bat most of the time). Hotkey 9 & 10 are currently my Mask of deception (Dark Elf illusion which gives ultravision) and Singing Steel boots (gives Levitation). I also have skills that I might need while traveling on this page. I have a /corpse hotkey for dragging corpses as well. Since I get lost constantly I keep tracking up on this page as well to help find my way around. Sneak and Hide just happened to be the skills I was working on when I took this picture. At other times I've had Sense Heading and Begging in those slots.  Now days, I keep my Melodic Breastplate in hotkey 4 since it is a clicky Selo’s Song of Travel which gives speed, levitate, invisibility, and see invisibility all in one.


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