Xegony Bard

Primary Page

This is the page that I use a majority of the time while fighting in groups. While a new bard may not understand some of this until they get twisting down, when I try to explain twisting I work under the assumption you have set up this hotkey set. This page changes depending on group structure. Hot keys 1, 2, & 3 should be the songs that you plan on singing during combat. Hot key 4 should be a song that you will likely twist in occasionally during the fights. I reserve hotkey 10 (aka key 0) for the speed song for emergency getaways. This leave hotkeys 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 for the individual preference of the bard. In the picture to the left I have Chant of Battle, Elemental Rhythms, and Hymn of Restoration as my main twist with Brusco's Boastful Bellow in slot 4 for easy twisting as well. I have Jaxan's Jig of Vigor set as hotkey 5 for downtime and Dreams of Ayonae (mez) in hotkey 6. I have my pet attack key in 8, tracking skill in 9, and Selo's Accelerando in hotkey 10.


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